Samstag 31. August 2024 (Anreisetag) bis Samstag 7. September 2024 (Abreisetag)
This Summer Academy will foster a better comprehension of the intricate relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the legal domain. To what extent may AI be fit for normative and legal treatment? What are the opportunities and challenges? AI, regulation and policy will be presented and analysed from different perspectives in order to provide participants with a holistic understanding. The program will touch upon both technical and sociological aspects, as well as AI’s profound impact on legal thinking, methodology, and the evolving legal framework:
- What is AI? A full picture
- Why would AI be needed in Law ? Human vs Machine
What are the required qualities of AI (incl. Non-discrimination features and safeguarding of human rights)?
Why not keep the legal issues for human beings
Tramway Dilemma – Cultural clusters
- How does a judge’s brain function ?
Presentation for lawyers and non-lawyers
For example: Challenges and opportunities of AI in applied fields such as health and journalism, AI regulation from a Swiss perspective, the domain of social scoring and potential crime prevention, autonomous contracting
- Some concrete experiences with AI in law
Attorneys use AI (Why, what are the benefit)
Legal frameworks (EU, CoE, ELI)
- AI Regulation for use in legal processes
What are the liability issues? What are the other challenges? Impact Assessment processes
- Is the future of judges, lawyers in danger? Who will rule the world?
- Final presentations
- Regulation (Judge Dredd – robot as judge – see Silvester Stallone)
- law enforcement and judicial officer
- Learning biases (Amplification phenomena / prediction only based on past experiences)
- How to master AI in the legal environment, but also take this reality into consideration
- Economic aspects – economic biases
Prof. Dr Pascal Pichonnaz, University of Fribourg, Departement of Private Law, President of the European Law Institute
Dr. Anna Jobin, University of Fribourg, Senior Researcher and Lecturer, Human-IST Institute
Prof. Dr Denis Lalanne, University of Fribourg, Departement of Informatics, Academic Head of Human-IST Institute
Speakers :
Prof. Dr. Edy Portmann, University of Fribourg
Dr. Julien Audiffren, eXascale Infolab, University of Fribourg
Marc Clément, Judge at the Administrative Court, Lyon (France)
Prof. Dr. Suzan Denise Hüttemann, Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany)
Prof. Mag. Dr. Bernhard A. Koch, LL.M., University of Innsbruck (Austria)
Bernard Maissen, Director of the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM, Switzerland)
Prof. Dr. Claudia Witt, University of Zurich
Prof. Dr. Colin Porlezza, Università della Svizzera italiana
Arbeitssprache(n): English as well as punctually French and/or German
Participants: Interested students from all fields of study
Reader: A reader will be available electronically before start
general information: -> PDF