‘The Public Sphere’ is an organization that works to revive the salon culture of the past for the needs of the world today. It creates the space for important conversations and meaningful social interactions to take place so that participants can cultivate a beautiful soul together in a spirit of fraternité. Regular salons on different topics from politics and philosophy to culture and the arts are held throughout Europe in major cities.

In the 17th and 18th century a culture of intellectual salons flourished in Europe. Salons were social gatherings in which individuals came together to engage in the art of conversation in pursuit of knowledge and fellowship. These spaces for discourse created a culture of politeness and sociability, in which the individual cultivated his intellectual, moral, and aesthetic faculties in a society committed to humanistic ideas and collective enlightenment. Salons were far more than pleasant social gatherings, they were serious spaces for intellectual projects and advanced ambitious utopian ideals. In a fast-paced world of social media and the Internet, people are arguably more connected than ever before but also lonelier than ever before. Young generations yearn for real human interactions and meaningful conversations. We believe that by reviving salon culture we can advance the art of conversation, promote individual happiness in collective exchange, and further principles of deliberative democracy. Perhaps now, more than ever before, we need a strong salon culture to combat ignorance and advance a more tolerant, just and enlightened society. We invite you to join us in this endeavour – A renaissance of salon culture.
“Having the privilege to encounter many motivated and deeply cultivated people through our network and project never ceases to amaze me. There is a need in today’s fast-paced world for intellectual reflection and spaces where we can further develop and cultivate ourselves. We stand for the art of conversation, the exchange of ideas, and poetic experiences that re-enchant the world.” Michael Lerch, Outreach Director of ‘The Public Sphere’ und Geförderter der Schweizerischen Studienstiftung.